- Helping you drive happy


Khatir Soltani
Automotive expert

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  • Over 6 years experience as a car reviewer
  • Over 50 test drives in the last year
  • Involved in discussions with virtually every auto manufacturer in Canada

F1: The steering wheel of Sebastian Vettel's Red Bull RB9

Here’s a nice photo of Sebastian Vettel’s most precious tool – the steering wheel of his Red Bull RB9, he nicknamed “Hungry Heidi”.

F1 Red Bull RB9 Steering wheel
Photo: WRi2

The function of most buttons and switches is well known, such as RADIO (to talk to the team), BBAL (to adjust brake balance), N (neutral), PIT (set speed limiter in the pit lane), OK (to acknowledge a message to the team).

F1 Red Bull RB9 Steering wheel
Photo: WRi2

The function of the knobs is also well known: CLUTCH (to adjust the clutch bite point), KERS (to change the release of the KERS), TYRE (to tell the car computer the type of tires is fitted on the car), MIX (to adjust the fuel mixture) and FW.EN (to tell the team how to adjust the angle of the front flaps during a pit stop).

F1 Red Bull RB9 Steering wheel
Photo: WRi2

The button and knobs are colour coded to make Vettel’s life easier. It’s easier to find them quickly when driving at 320 km/h!

Formula 1 fans should know that Amalgam Fine Model Cars, located in the U.K. makes stunning full-size replicas of F1 steering wheels. Click here to visit that page.